Vertical Forms of Cyclohexane Derivatives

The macro \cyclohexanev is used to draw cyclohexane derivatives of vertical type (carom.sty). The format of this command is as follows:
Locant numbers (1–6) for designating substitution positions and characters (a–f) for showing bonds to be doubled are represented by the following diagram:
...shiftii,\the\shifti) \\
$\bullet$: (\the\noshift,\the\noshift)}}
Each character set in parentheses represents the handedness of the corresponding position, which is fixed in this type of macros.

The option argument BONDLIST is an character string in a pair of brackets, where each character indicates the presence of a double bond at the edge corresponding to the character. The bond-correspondence is rather arbitrary in some cases but conforms to chemical conventions as faithfully as possible if such conventions are presence (Table [*]).

Table: Argument BONDLIST for commands \cyclohexanev and \cyclohexaneh
Character Printed structure
none cyclohexane
a 1,2-double bond
b 2,3-double bond
c 4,3-double bond
d 4,5-double bond
e 5,6-double bond
f 6,1-double bond
A aromatic circle

The argument SUBSLIST for this macro takes a general format, in which the modifiers listed in Table [*] are used. Suppose you input the commands:

3Sb==CH$_{3}$;3Sa==CH$_{3}$} \qquad\qquad
The first example illustrates the case that \cyclohexanev accompanies no optional argument. On the other hand, the second one take [b] as an optional BONDLIST, which prints an inner bond between 2 and 3 positions. Thus, you can obtain the following diagrams:

2D==O;1Sb==H3C;1Sa==CH3;3Sb==CH3;3Sa==CH3                  [b]1D==O;5Sb==CH3;5Sa==CH3

Since the macro \cyclohexanev is the basis of the macro \bzdrv, structural formulas depicted with the latter command can also be written by the former one. For example, the quinone acetals described above are also typeset by the following statements.

\qquad \qquad
These commands are completely equivalent to those describe above and produce the following structures.
[be]1D==O;4Sb==CH3O;4Sa==OCH3;2==NH–SO2CH3                  [be]1Sb==CH3O;1Sa==OCH3;4Sb==CH3O;4Sa==OCH3

For the purpose of depicting the stereochemisty of a cyclohexane ring, input the following:

Thereby, you can obtain:
2B==CH3;3B==CH3                 2B==CH3;3A==CH3